Source code for pyotp.totp

import calendar
import datetime
import hashlib
import time
from typing import Any, Optional, Union

from . import utils
from .otp import OTP

[docs]class TOTP(OTP): """ Handler for time-based OTP counters. """ def __init__( self, s: str, digits: int = 6, digest: Any = None, name: Optional[str] = None, issuer: Optional[str] = None, interval: int = 30, ) -> None: """ :param s: secret in base32 format :param interval: the time interval in seconds for OTP. This defaults to 30. :param digits: number of integers in the OTP. Some apps expect this to be 6 digits, others support more. :param digest: digest function to use in the HMAC (expected to be SHA1) :param name: account name :param issuer: issuer """ if digest is None: digest = hashlib.sha1 self.interval = interval super().__init__(s=s, digits=digits, digest=digest, name=name, issuer=issuer)
[docs] def at(self, for_time: Union[int, datetime.datetime], counter_offset: int = 0) -> str: """ Accepts either a Unix timestamp integer or a datetime object. To get the time until the next timecode change (seconds until the current OTP expires), use this instead: .. code:: python totp = pyotp.TOTP(...) time_remaining = totp.interval - % totp.interval :param for_time: the time to generate an OTP for :param counter_offset: the amount of ticks to add to the time counter :returns: OTP value """ if not isinstance(for_time, datetime.datetime): for_time = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(for_time)) return self.generate_otp(self.timecode(for_time) + counter_offset)
[docs] def now(self) -> str: """ Generate the current time OTP :returns: OTP value """ return self.generate_otp(self.timecode(
[docs] def verify(self, otp: str, for_time: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None, valid_window: int = 0) -> bool: """ Verifies the OTP passed in against the current time OTP. :param otp: the OTP to check against :param for_time: Time to check OTP at (defaults to now) :param valid_window: extends the validity to this many counter ticks before and after the current one :returns: True if verification succeeded, False otherwise """ if for_time is None: for_time = if valid_window: for i in range(-valid_window, valid_window + 1): if utils.strings_equal(str(otp), str(, i))): return True return False return utils.strings_equal(str(otp), str(
[docs] def provisioning_uri( self, name: Optional[str] = None, issuer_name: Optional[str] = None, image: Optional[str] = None ) -> str: """ Returns the provisioning URI for the OTP. This can then be encoded in a QR Code and used to provision an OTP app like Google Authenticator. See also: """ return utils.build_uri( self.secret, name if name else, issuer=issuer_name if issuer_name else self.issuer, algorithm=self.digest().name, digits=self.digits, period=self.interval, image=image, )
[docs] def timecode(self, for_time: datetime.datetime) -> int: """ Accepts either a timezone naive (`for_time.tzinfo is None`) or a timezone aware datetime as argument and returns the corresponding counter value (timecode). """ if for_time.tzinfo: return int(calendar.timegm(for_time.utctimetuple()) / self.interval) else: return int(time.mktime(for_time.timetuple()) / self.interval)